Thank you for Joining me for your soul Path Journey in Clarity and Transformation Session
For your Session I suggest
A sliding scale gift of $133-188.
You can gift via the links below:
For All Credit Cards (lower fees for both of us) Click here - This form for secure USA and International gifting
PayPal here: Click Someone You Trust Friends/Family/Gift!!
Please put your email and Clarity in the notes.
5126 (last four of phone number if asked)
Please put your email and Clarity in the notes.
Once you gift you will receive a confirm subscription email to Clarity, please confirm, then the link to schedule will be emailed to you.
I appreciate you and look forward to connecting with you.
If you have any questions you can email me here -
If you would like to have a session with me and need financial assistance please email me above to see what we can figure out for you! For those in need I offer a 45 minute session for a suggested gift of $88.
May your path be clear and harmonious!
Abundant Gratitude!
With Love,