Elevating Consciousness, Being The New Earth


This is an invitation to awaken your soul
"we are the creators of the new earth"

We are awakening into the true nature of ourselves, the earth and the universe.

Join me in discovering your Depth, Power, Beauty, and Purpose to Embody your Soul.

Welcome Awakened Soul!

I am here to assist in Your Awakening on this planet and beyond. 

Connecting multi-dimensionally I am able to see the true functions and purpose of our reality. Collaborating with the Masters and Councils we hold the the light for Aligning with your Soul, the Crystalline Grid of the Earth, and the Unified Field to embody the true frequencies of ourselves and the earth.   

With me, you will create a clear connection with your higher self, know your purpose, and design your life to Harmonize Mind, Body, Heart and Soul.  We will traverse all states of your being with clarity, ease and accuracy to embody & uplevel your gifts and abilities. You will receive necessary tools and information for your transformation and healing. We are experiencing a powerful and complete shift of our reality. ​ 

Enjoy Your Free Gift Below! Much Love and Peace,    



    Optimize and align with the current frequencies of your body, mind, energy body, and soul connection with the earth and multiverse.

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    Join us in powerful Live Events to Uplift and Awaken us to the heart of our truth! And gain access to recordings of past events..

  • Sessions & Programs

    Discover the transformational and uplifting experiences you can have with me to Awaken for full embodiment of your Soul template.

Free Gift Divine Union 

Daily Affirmation

This is a journey into Your Soul, Energy Body, Physical Body, Holographic Template,

Natural Elements, the Crystalline Grid, Earth, and Source.

To create Pure and Direct Presence, Awareness and Communication

with all the layers of your being Bringing you into Divine Union!

 For your convenience there is a long and short version.

Sign up below to receive the Divine Union Daily Affirmation, 2 extra gifts and a Bonus gift!

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what’s included


​A Video Diving Deep Into Each of the 3 Keys

​Discover the Exact Foundation to Lead the Meaningful, Balanced and Healthy Soul Led Life You are Here to Create & a video of the “You, Living Temple of the New Earth” Divine Ceremony to catalyze, integrate and embody the profound pure living light of krystic energies that are Embodying us, the planet and all cosmic bodies into Union!

​Be guided in conversation and meditation to connect with Source Codes!


Since Kristen was able to see my issue, I thought it would be great for her to work with my infant daughter. When my daughter was 8 months old, I was cooking in the kitchen, she came quickly crawling in and pulled on the cord of the electric skillet that flipped and caught her on the edge of her head. Because of that, every time she heard a loud noise she would cry. Kristen did her intuitive healing and after that she no longer reacted to loud noises. Now I really knew that Margo had a great healing and intuitive gift worth sharing with others!

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