The Unity Consciousness Event Is Online
And FREE January 22nd - February 2nd
1 Transformational Visionary Per Day

Most Conversations with our Visionaries will be LIVE! 

Join us for the Unique opportUnity to be LIVE to ask us questions and connect!!

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You Will Get The Full Schedule When You Join 🙂

Each Speaker Conversation Replay Will Be Available For 48 Hours After The Day They Air.

3 Day Replay Of All Conversations February 3rd-5th!


We ARE Source!

Are you experiencing powerful transformation in your life?

Are you feeling the inner magnetism of your Soul to Know, Live and BE your True Self?

We are being expanded at an accelerated pace to realize and embody the creative intelligence and love of Source to be the Creator Beings we are!

We are coming alive with more Clarity, Harmony and Strength through deep healings that are arising to make aligned choices and live free as Soul!

What this world becomes depends on us to create from our hearts and Soul as Source!

We are in a time when coming together, collaborating and sharing wisdom, support, and information is imperative to embracing Unity Consciousness and making these powerful shifts!

So let's join together in this Event with our Intentions to
Be Source Embodied and Live Authentically
to Create a New You and New Earth!!

This event was created to share:

  • A powerful field of intention to create a foundational shift in the collective to become more unified in our conscious embodiment of Soul and Source to realize the New Earth Now!

  • Potent connection and community in Pure Love and Divinity

  • Information and tools to heal and empower you to be and live your Beautiful Authentic Soul Life

  • How to realize and embody your true creative power as Source Creator

  • Current planetary and internal shifts we are experiencing, what they mean and how to navigate them

  • The quantum physics of who we are as a unified field of life and how to work with the quantum field to make powerful transformation in your life

  • Deeper wisdom and practices for creating through intention

  • Activations, Meditations and Practices to support you in your transformation to harmonize mind, body and soul

  • And so much more!!

In this event you will hear 10+ transformational visionaries share heartfelt intentions and information to empower you in embodying Source and Being Your Authentic Soul in Unity Consciousness!

You will have the Unique opportunity to join LIVE with some of the speakers to ask questions and connect with us!

You will receive a free gift from each speaker to optimize, increase and activate your awareness on all levels of your being.